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The Manufacturing Alliance

Jul 26, 2018

In this episode Christina Fuges of Mold Making Technology Magazine and I sat down with Greg Eidenberger the Vice President of Sales at Paragon D&E in Grand Rapids, MI. Paragon D&E is known for doing BIG things. Big tools, big ideas, big personalities. Are you sensing a theme here? We were invited to come in as guests to...

Jul 2, 2018

Live from Amerimold2018 Christina Fuges, and Cyndi Kustush join me for a conversation on what were the high points of a great two day exhibition of mold makers and service providers. Discussions included new technologies and services, growth of the event, highlights of the Tech Talks and Booth Demos. We were even...

Jul 2, 2018

Live from Amerimold 2018 event we were invited to take part in the Leadtime Leader panel feature past winners from Westminster Tool, Industrial Mold, Cavalier Tool, and this years winner Maximum Mold Group. We discussed the what the award meant to them and their team. How the process allows you to actually know what you...